A Moment to reflect this April
Did you know that we celebrated National Reflection Day recently? Reflection day is about taking time to connect, supporting the millions of people who are grieving and remembering the family, friends, neighbours and colleagues we’ve lost over the last two years. Marie Curie spearheaded the campaign for a Day of Reflection to mark the anniversary of the beginning of the first UK Lockdown – and to let bereaved people know that they are not alone.
As part of National Reflection Day, Walls of Reflection were created as a space to share memories of the family, friends, colleagues and neighbours who died in the past two years. We created our own reflection wall and filled it with our thoughts, love and gratitude.

We’re carrying this reflection theme into April and making sure we take time out to reflect, show gratitude, share fond memories and celebrate the wonderful achievements of our clients and careers.
We shared with you last month that all of our carers are currently undertaking a ‘Working with Mental Health Needs’ qualification. We are pleased to confirm that Clare Carver has passed with flying colours. Well done, Clare!

We are very proud of our team of dedicated carers – as a recognised Investor in People, Birchwood Care Services believe it’s our team that enable us to deliver the very best care in our local community.
This month, we are also incredibly excited to announce we have some great new starters joining the team. Please join us in welcoming on-board; Sati and Amy.
Amy Butler is our new Co-ordinator. A carer for many years, she is now joining our office-based team. Sati Farace has returned to Birchwood Care Services having previously worked for us.
We’d also like to wish a very happy birthday this month to Valerie Sale and Pauline Baker – we hope you had a great day!
See what we got up to in March.