Happiness tips for the elderly

Happiness tips for the elderly

For the elderly living at home alone, our home care service can offer invaluable support but they can also have periods of loneliness. We have spoken previously about how to stay living independently at home for longer, but one key area is keeping happy! So here are some tips for the elderly to stay happy!

Stay active

This is incredibly important. Previous blogs have gone into much more detail about keeping fit in older agebut it really is important to keep moving as you age as when you exercise those important positive endorphins are released.

Staying active also prevents many illnesses that the elderly can be susceptible to, with maintaining a healthy weight being critical in preventing illnesses such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. You don’t want these conditions when you’re young, but they’re even worse in the elderly.

Get fresh air

This can be linked to staying active, but being exposed to the fresh air and outdoors can have a significant impact on your mood, and is therefore a great way to promote happiness in the elderly!

This has become even clearer during the current Coronavirus lockdown with the Government stressing the importance of fresh air and exercise, which ensures you receive the essential Vitamin D.

Stay connected

The best way to prevent feelings of loneliness is to stay as connected as you can with the outside world. Whether this is through regular visits from friends and relatives (again this is trickier during the current Coronavirus lockdown) or keeping in contact via phone or video call, that contact with loved ones can make all the difference to one’s mood and give them a real lift.

Eat well

As our friends at Birchwood House describe, we all know the value of good nutrition for the elderly but eating well can also have a significant impact on your mood, especially if you do the following:

  • Eat with friends and family. This may not always be possible when living alone but is a great way to make mealtimes enjoyable!
  • Eat quality food which can trigger positive senses, improve your appetite and it sounds obvious but eating good food is more fun!
  • Eat a high fibre diet with plenty of water.
  • Think about what meals you’re going to have during the week in advance if you can.

Have fun and laugh!

Not only do we all like to have fun and laugh, but a 2014 study found that watching funny videos for 20 minutes can improve the memory in the elderly so not only is laughing fun and good for our happiness, it can help remember forgotten memories. So make sure you watch those funny videos, or revisit your favourite comedy as there are many positive benefits!

Our friendly team are always available to chat and if you or your loved one feel like you need extra support then do pick up the phone and give us a call on 01892 863 710 – we would love to hear from you!

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