Helping to combat loneliness

Helping to combat loneliness

Unfortunately, 50% of individuals aged over 60 are at risk of social isolation and one-third will experience some degree of loneliness later in life. At Birchwood Care Services, we know how incredibly important it is to do our part to combat this.  

13th – 17th June 2022 is Loneliness Awareness Week. Hosted by Marmalade Trust, Loneliness Awareness Week is an annual campaign which raises awareness of loneliness and gets people talking about it. So that’s exactly what we hope to do today. Here are some of the ways we’re working to combat loneliness for our clients at Birchwood Care Services.  

Allowing the elderly to stay close to family and friends 

By providing stay at home carers, we hope to allow clients to stay in their own homes for as long as possible. This often means being nearer to family, friends and pets which we know can be invaluable to our clients. 

Always offering a friendly face 

We aim to be a friendly face for each one of our clients. We offer each client a personal, one-on-one relationship with the carer. This greater sense of familiarity can be incredibly comforting for those who are opening themselves to care for the first time.   

Whether you’d just like a friendly face to keep you company or help getting out and about, our enthusiastic staff can provide the companionship and support you need. We offer everything from a simple sitting service to assistance with household management, including dealing with mail and bills and making appointments.  

The staff who come to me are very kind and helpful and always do what I ask. They are very good at timekeeping and are always very tidy and friendly.” 

B.R, Client, July 2021 

Planning Excursions 

When able, we love to plan days out for our clients and trips to enjoy hobbies or catch up with friends. Our dedicated carers are always happy to escort you out and about, whether you need to see the dentist or doctor, want to visit friends or fancy a trip further afield. 

For those who are able to venture outside we love to go for walks with our clients, even just around the block to get some fresh air and a bit of vitamin D. 

If you’re worried about someone you know feeling lonely, Age UK have some wonderful resources and services that can help. If you think hiring an at home carer might be the solution you’re looking for, feel free to get in touch and we can have a chat about ways we might be able to help.  

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