What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is an integral part of any care service, put in place to protect people’s health, wellbeing and human rights. For Birchwood Care Services, this means we have a duty to ensure that all of our clients live free from harm, abuse and neglect. This is a proactive approach, putting the necessary systems in place to prevent abuse before it occurs and ensure every client is protected and their well-being is promoted.
Organisations – like Birchwood Care Services – should always promote adults’ well-being in their safeguarding arrangements. People have complex lives and being safe is only one of the things that they may want for themselves. Professionals should work with adults to establish what being safe means to them and how that can best be achieved. At Birchwood Care Services, this forms part of our tailored, person-centred approach to care.
Why is safeguarding important?
Safeguarding duties apply to people in need of care and support, who may be experiencing or at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect, and who may be unable to protect themselves from this due to their care and support needs.
In the context of our clients, this may be dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, or any other needs that make them more vulnerable to neglect. This is because they may not be as aware of their rights, or they may struggle to identify abuse. Safeguarding is essential in ensuring the power imbalance between caregivers and those in need of care is not exploited, and that individuals can safely depend on our care services.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) helps to regulate health and social care, carrying out inspections and, when necessary, taking action if care services are not meeting the needs of their clients. You can also find more resources and contacts here.
How do I report a safeguarding concern?
Whether it’s concern for your own safety, or you believe a loved one may be at risk, you should report this to your local authority. You can also report a service provider. Our local authority is Kent County Council. The council has staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to talk to you about your concerns. If you are concerned about an adult and want to share safeguarding concerns, you can complete the council’s online form, call 03000 41 61 61, email social.services@kent.gov.uk, or use text relay by calling 18001 03000 41 61 61.
What is Birchwood Care Services’ Safeguarding Policy?
We work hard to ensure our clients’ safety and wellbeing our top priority – you can find a copy of our safeguarding policy here.
As an employer, we have a range of safer recruitment and selection practices. Working with individuals and families who may be at risk and need support can be rewarding and challenging. Therefore, we are responsible for ensuring that the people providing these vital services are appropriate and competent in keeping our Service Users safe. You can refer to our Recruitment and Selection Policy for details.
We also ensure that our safeguarding lead has had suitable safeguarding training and competencies and has the right knowledge and skills to ensure the protection and safety of our Service Users and to support other staff. Training for all staff is supplied by Atlas / Citation and a training matrix is in place outlining the safeguarding training requirements for people at different levels. Areas covered also include mental capacity, deprivation of liberty safeguards, consent and access to easy-read resources.
How do I get in touch to report a confidential safeguarding concern?
If you want to raise a confidential safeguarding concern, please email our Registered Manager here.
If you would like to know more safeguarding or about our services, please get in touch.